
My FWISD Mobile Apps (Fort Worth ISD) offers parents, students, staff, and the community a new free communication channel, the Fort Worth ISD mobile apps. The app provides the user with important news and student information at the touch of a button. Important school and district updates, grades, meal allowance accounts, and district social media sites are included in this smartphone app. More than 58,000 people have downloaded the free mobile apps.

The app is available in 70 different languages.

Only parents or guardians who have previously registered with online services such as Parent Portal or My School Bucks have access to specific student accounts. But everyone else can still use FWISD’s new mobile apps to access important district and campus news, look up school and department phone numbers, and check sports scores.

About My FWISD Mobile Apps

My FWISD Mobile apps provides essential news and student information at the user’s fingertips. Significant school and District updates, grades, lunch money accounts, and the District’s social media sites are all involved in this smartphone app.

This mobile app also sends important voice messages to a queue on a parent’s smartphone,” said Clint Bond, director of external and emergency communications. “That way, parents can review messages on their own time without being interrupted.

What is My FWISD Mobile Apps? All you Need to Know

My Fort Worth Independent School District (FWISD) is a school district in Fort Worth, Texas, United States. It ranks as the fifth largest school district based on more than 75,000 students enrolled in 81 elementary schools, 21 high schools, 21 middle schools, and 17 other institutes. FWISD has a diverse student body and a fantastic local community organization. They have developed many practical applications known as “FWISD Apps” or “My FWISD Apps” to facilitate the public.

What is My FWISD Mobile Apps?

My FWISD Mobile apps provide a personalized view of what’s happening in the community and schools. This apps provides another free communication channel for parents, students, leaders, and the local community.

  • Through these FWISD apps, customers will get all the essential news and information for students.
  • This advanced app contains all the essential updates about education and District, student results, pocket accounts, and the city’s online media sites.
  • It is a general and helpful application with over 60,000 downloads.
  • Guardians can only access unique students who have recently registered with online facilities such as the Parent Portal.
  • Anyone can access this new FWISD mobile app.
  • Provides essential news at the district or grassroots level and helps progress the school.
  • Under the Chief and the Board of Education, the District is undertaking several initiatives to rebuild, modify, and upgrade Fort Worth ISD schools.

My FWISD Mobile Apps Features

My FWISD Mobile Apps Features


Local district associations, department heads, and citizens gather in Fort Worth to listen. And student outcomes continue to evolve in every school and zip code. It’s a fantastic partnership with Texas Wesleyan University, and they allow the District’s five leadership academies to support delayed academic progress.

FWISD and the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce have created an organization that combines elementary school trips. Gold Seal Programs and vocational schools, Selection, and technical Grades. Their association was a model for other school districts to work with their various departments. FWISD has a network of over 11,000 employees working under its system.

Fort Worth has provided life-changing initiatives such as an expanded classroom library program. Initially, they offered classroom library kits to children in preschool through second grade in about 20 schools, and the mission now empowers every elementary school in the District.

The Fort Worth corporate community contributed more than $100,000 to the mission, which the Rainwater Charitable Foundation matched. They forced all pre-Ks and Kindergarteners to do online registration, home visits, and online media promotions. Under these conditions, several students are likely to begin their educational journey.

Its goal is to develop a diverse pipeline of excellence for Fort Worth administrators and to connect FWISD students to educational and career paths. This program’s success will contribute to Fort Worth’s success, and this program encourages it because of its well-organized workforce. Ultimately, this city will become an attractive place for business.

My FWISD mobile apps have proven beneficial to the Fort Worth district. Guardians can easily keep an eye on their children by checking their parenting behaviors and activities.

How to Download My FWISD Mobile Apps

You can download the Fort Worth ISD app free and install it on your device by going to the google play store. Google Play suggests that you should not download android apps directly from third-party sources, as they may harm your phone.

You can download Fort Worth ISD Official App by clicking the link below from Google Play Store.

How to Use My FWISD Mobile Apps

Connect to Fort Worth ISD for news, lunch menus, calendars, and more.

The Fort Worth ISD Mobile app gives you personalized information about what’s happening in the District and schools. Receive the news and information that interest you and participate.

Everyone can:

  • View district and school news
  • Use the district information line
  • Receive notifications from the District and schools.
  • Access the district directory
  • Show information tailored to your interests

Parents and students can:

  • View grades, assignments, and attendance
  • View and add contact information


My Fort Worth Independent School District Mobile Apps exists for iPhone users on the Apple App Store, and Android users can find it on the Google Play Store. The District has partnered with its mass communications vendor, Parent Link, to create this free application.

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