The Best Apple Watch has apps that expand its feature set beyond what it offers out of the box.

The Best Apple Watch is the most fantastic smartwatch for apps, with everything from niche sports monitoring to wrist-based expansions of your favorite travel, mapping, and productivity apps.

Best Apple Watch for Travel Apps

British Airways

If we fly a lot with British Airways, getting your flight details on your wrist at the airport is very handy. The BA Apple Watch app will offer gate details, the flight status, and whether the plane is on time. It even goes far as telling you the climate at your destination.


Citymapper’s approach to its apple watch app lets you quickly see nearby transport’s status at the press of a few buttons. It will also guide you to your work address or any saved addresses you have preset using your iPhone using available civic transport from your location. You can also see real-time departures. Quick and simple.


The Uber Apple Watch app is modest but adequate. It will not offer as many features as your phone, such as fare approximations, but it will permit you to request an Uber from your wrist without touching your phone. It will show you how long the wait is for an Uber and switch between the various car choices.

 Apple Maps

Apple Maps does not have the best reputation, but the app works well on the Apple Watch. We can ask Siri to direct you to a place using your Watch, and the Apple Maps will open, find the area and give you the option to press start. It will then provide step-by-step instructions on your wrist, vibrating to alert you when the next turn is coming up. No iPhone is necessary.


Elk is a sound currency converter app. It will know where you are and automatically pick the correct currency and a starting value. You can swipe left to increase the value weights, swipe right to decrease them, or tap on a deal for more accuracy. These are a free version and a paid-for version with access to all currencies.

Productivity of Best Apple Watch Apps


If you remembered and loved Casio’s calculator watch, Pcalc is a must-have app for the Apple Watch. As we might guess, it is a calculator on your wrist. It’s pleasant and straightforward, allowing you to add, subtract, divide, multiply, and calculate percentages directly from your wrist.


The pacemaker is a basic DJ app that automatically creates music mixes from your iPhone and permits you to add effects via four preset options on your Watch. Products include distorting the music, making it sound like it is underwater, and smashing up the music. It’s simple but fun and paired with a Bluetooth speaker, makes things even more enjoyable.

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Health and Fitness


If we wear the Apple Watch for fitness, Runkeeper is a good download. It lets you start the app straight from your wrist without looking at your iPhone. Open the app, press “start running”, and off you go. Once you’ve started running, you can check several stats, including overall time, distance covered, and pace.

Water Reminder

Water Reminder is the Apple Watch app everybody should be using, and that’s why it’s the best app overall. Even staying hydrated is challenging when facing a busy schedule, so this app will notify you if you’ve gone long without water.

How does it know? As you drink water or beverages throughout the day, you log the amount of liquid you’re sipping on your wrist. First, you must download Water Reminder on your iPhone or Apple Watch.


The Gymaholic Workout Tracker uses AR to create an avatar, which you can change to represent your gender, height, and body fat percentage. After a workout, the avatar will show all the muscles you trained, and it will also show which muscles are ready for training too. You’ll see various stats, including reps, weight, heart rate, and calories, alongside your avatar during a workout. It’s great.

Sleep track in Best apple watch


AutoSleep is the best Apple Watch app to try if you want to track your sleep. It will automatically detect when you fall asleep and wake, then delivers a complete examination based on time spent in bed, movements, and heart rate.

AutoSleep also works when you don’t wear your Apple Watch to bed, but the analysis is based on your time spent not tiring the Watch instead of including movement and heart rate data.

Sleep Cycle

Sleep Cycle is the best Apple Watch app for sleep tracking because, like Fitbit’s, it focuses on your night sleep cycles to determine when to wake up. Before going to bed, the Sleep Cycle app asks you to set a 30-minute gap in which it can wake up. Then, when it sanitizes a natural point for you to crawl back to notice, it influences the Apple Watch’s advanced haptics to stir you from your sleep.


Apple made it even easier by introducing an App Store to its Watch, allowing you to download directly to the wearable while utilizing the Watch app on your iPhone. Apple Watch has the potential to change and enhance mobile devices.